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 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...

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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyVen 6 Déc - 15:31

The Story Of My Life
♒️ Ulysse a un tempérament de feu. Peu importe les raisons que vous évoquerez, c'est le genre sale gosse depuis toujours. Il adore provoquer des guerres et ne se lasse jamais de cingler qui que ce soit. Il aime être au centre de l'attention et lorsque quelque chose lui déplaît, il trouve toujours le moyen de le faire savoir.

♒️ Il n'a jamais assumé son homosexualité pourtant évidente. Il fréquente des filles mais ne passe jamais à l'acte, ou très peu. Il se vante néanmoins d'avoir eu plus de 100 femmes dans son lit. Ce qui n'est absolument pas vrai. En revanche, c'est un véritable don juan, son charme opère et il obtient facilement ce qu'ilu veut.

♒️ Il déteste avoir tort. Il est au centre d'un groupe d'ami tous aussi stupides les uns que les autres. Mais c'est lui qui donne les ordres, et il adore ça.

♒️Les seuls instants où Ulysse est un garçon reconnaissant, gentil et tendre, ce sont les instants qu'il partage avec Ismaël. Mais aujourd'hui c'est terminé. Blessé dans son orgueil, il ne supporte pas qu'Ismaël lui ait caché sa séropositivité aussi longtemps et c'est pourquoi il décide de mener une véritable croisade contre son ancien amant.

ISMAËL RHODES feat zayn malik ♒️ Ismaël Rhodes. Ulysse Gladweather, mais appelle moi seulement Ul' si t'en as envie. Ils se rencontrent par hasard lors de leur première journée sur le campus. Ils décident de traverser les couloirs ensemble et de s'aider à apprivoiser l'université. Une journée, c'est comme ça que tout a commencé entre eux. Ils marchent, ils papotent, ils échangent et ils parlent. Et puis, ils se quittent, se disent à bientôt et secrètement, ils espèrent déjà se retrouver à la rentrée. Les deux semaines qui suivirent, Ismaël les passa a imaginer ses retrouvailles avec Ulysse.

Et puis, vint le jour de la rentrée, et là, le drame. Dans les couloirs, Ulysse ne regarde même pas Ismaël, bien au contraire. Il le snobe carrément. Déçu, mais pas surpris en voyant les fréquentations du jeune homme, Ismaël tourne rapidement la page. Il n'essaye pas de le retrouver, ni même de reprendre contact. Et puis, devant l'indifférence d'Ismaël, Ulysse bout de rage et un soir, il l'attrape par l'épaule, le coince contre un casier dans les vestiaires de gym. c'est quoi ton soucis Rhodes ? attends, tu plaisantes j'espère ? t'as passé la semaine à m'éviter et ne même pas m'adresser un salut et tu me demandes quel est mon problème ? t'es pas bien Ul'. Ulysse ne cherche pas à se justifier, au contraire, son visage avance dans un excès de colère et les deux jeunes hommes échangent un premier baiser, fougueux et passionné. Mais ça ne va pas plus loin, Ismaël l'en empêchera. Les jours passent et les rendez-vous se multiplient, toujours en secret, toujours en cachette. Au fil du temps, Ismaël commence à éprouver quelques sentiments pour son camarade mais ne le fait jamais savoir...

Et puis, une nuit, alors qu'ils sont allongés sur le lit d'Ulysse, dans sa chambre universitaire, Ismaël passe aux aveux. je suis bien avec toi Ul', même comme ça, ça m'convient... mais avant qu'on aille plus loin dans notre relation... il faut que tu saches... quelque chose ! qu'est-ce qu'il y a Rhodes ? je suis séropositif La sentence est sans appel, vexé, choqué, surpris, Ulysse engage une véritable guerre et cette nuit-là, c'est blessé qu'Ismaël quitte la chambre d'Ulysse, seul. Après plus de trois mois de rendez-vous secret, le jeune homme met un terme à leur relation, laissant Ismaël dans l'incompréhension total. Mais tout ne s'arrête pas là, puisque quelques jours à peine plus tard, c'est le mot CANCEREUX qui est tagué sur le casier d'Ismaël... de quoi engendrer une véritable guerre ! Amants, ennemis, amoureux... les deux hommes ne se laissent plus de répis, reste à savoir où la guerre va les emmener.

Tout d'abord merci de t'intéresser à mon petit bébé, mon premier bébé. Je t'explique, j'aime les liens tordus et ambigüs, j'veux pas d'un amour platonique à la mord-moi-l'noeud. J'aime quand c'est compliqué. Tu comprendras que la maladie d'Ismaël va jouer un grand rôle dans la relation entre les deux personnages et que, évidemment, on va beaucoup s'servir de ça pour avancer. Mais pas que... En fait, j'tiens à ce que les personnages évoluent indépendamment l'un de l'autre, ce qui est important pour moi. Donc je te laisserai gérer ta petite vie et tes amours, si tu veux en avoir. Je suis pas exigeant, sinon sur l'avatar :**:Tout ce qui m'importe c'est que ce scénario te convienne et que tu en tombes amoureux.

CÉLÉBRITÉ ♒️ la célébrité est difficilement négociable, parce que je ship tellement ZOUIS que j'en deviens juste taré. En plus, je me suis inscrit sur OMP principalement pour ce scénario, et j'espère qu'il sera rapidement pris and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 17530891.
CONNEXION ♒️ étant moi-même d'une connexion assez peu régulière, je ne suis pas très regardant du moment qu'on peut rp et avancer dans leur relation ensemble.
LE RPG ♒️ je ne supporte pas les fautes de français bêtes !!! Là-dessus, je vais être plutôt chiant mais j'avoue qu'une présentation truffée de fautes, ça m'horripile. Après je suis pas parfait non plus, qu'on s'entende hein :)Mais voilà. Le nombre de ligne m'est égal, je dirai 7 au minimum, du moment qu'il y a matière à répondre et qu'on puisse avancer.
LE MOT DE LA FIN ♒️ je t'aime déjà et je t'évite les sempiternelles : je bâtirai un temple en ton honneur, je te couvrirai d'amour et de chocolats, etc. Moi, j'te baise, c'est tout and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 592437731
Ulysse Gladweather

Dernière édition par Ismaël Rhodes le Jeu 12 Déc - 13:34, édité 2 fois
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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyVen 6 Déc - 19:13

here i am babe. and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3065103984 
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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyVen 6 Déc - 19:57

T es le soleil de ma soirée and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 17530891
LOUIS c'est trop une bombe :-)
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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyVen 6 Déc - 20:01

vas-y viens me montrer l'respect, j'ai été méchant. and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3065103984 
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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyVen 6 Déc - 20:03

Tékaté, je vais te remettre à l'ordre direct :p
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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptySam 7 Déc - 1:57

graou. and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3971962489 (bon, je file faire ma fiche. si t'as des requêtes particulières, j'suis à ta disposition mon prince pakistanais.)

y a moyen de me le réserver au passage ? j'ai pas envie de me le faire chiper. and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 789623763
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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptySam 7 Déc - 12:48

C'est fait... and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 17530891
Je suis désolé de pas plus te répondre mais le week end je passe seulement depuis l'iPhone :-(
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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyJeu 12 Déc - 19:32

'still here, don't worry. and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3534488051 
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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyMar 17 Déc - 6:45

Scénario remis en jeu && plus que jamais attendu I love you I love you
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Ulysse Gladweather
Ulysse Gladweather

à princeton depuis : 17/12/2013
devoirs : 4

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyMar 17 Déc - 16:20

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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyMer 18 Déc - 8:49

OMAGAD ! Comment te dire... and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3132488168
Merci, merci, merci, merci, merci !!!!!
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Ulysse Gladweather
Ulysse Gladweather

à princeton depuis : 17/12/2013
devoirs : 4

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyMer 18 Déc - 14:38

celui qui me pique le scéna je le castre y'a pas moyen  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 592437731 SINON JE T'AIME TU M'AIMES NEXT STEP PLS  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 899438478 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 4094951604 
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Ismaël Rhodes
Ismaël Rhodes

à princeton depuis : 06/12/2013
devoirs : 68

and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyMer 18 Déc - 14:42

AVEC PLAISIR MY DEAR  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 2304690765 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 2304690765 and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 2272383949 
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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... EmptyMar 31 Déc - 12:09

hello beau gosse  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3065103984 
alors, voilà, j'suis tombé littéralement amoureuse de ton scénario, j'suis sous le charme ça y est, entre le lien qui déchire et fucking god zouis c'est la vie quoi  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 17530891  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3556906829  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 1061164907  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 3065103984  and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 2272383949  je suis faible moi, donc j'ai drôlement du mal à résister mais avant de m'inscrire je voulais savoir si le scénario était encore disponible en général je n'aime pas vraiment la compétition mais bordel quoi ton scénario est perfect and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... 1493324163 
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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...   and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known... Empty

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and i tried so hard to tell what's on my mind. but you should have known...

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